A Better Way To:




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We are dedicated to providing families with a compassionate and effective approach to resolving disputes outside of court through mediation. Our commitment to affordable pricing ensures a faster, more cost-effective, and less stressful path to resolution.

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Why Choose Us


Our affordable pricing makes it possible for you to resolve your matrimonial and family law matters without the financial burden of traditional attorney's fees, ensuring a resolution that works for you.


As a virtual law firm, we ensure accessibility, allowing you to manage legal matters from anywhere. Our remote services, easy document access, and online meetings prioritize your schedule, eliminating the need for travel and accommodating your busy lifestyle.


Our dedication lies in guiding individuals through matrimonial and family law matters with a commitment to resolving differences outside the courtroom. We established this firm based on the belief that this approach is best for you and your family, and our unwavering commitment is to provide the highest level of service and expertise in every case we handle.

Our Services

What We can do for you

Our dedicated focus on mediation empowers you to save time, reduce costs, and take control of the outcomes, ensuring a smoother and more personalized resolution process. Let us help you navigate these sensitive issues and find amicable resolutions for everyone involved.

Prenuptial & Postnuptial Mediation

Our Prenuptial and Postnuptial Mediation services will guide you and your partner through open and constructive discussions, ensuring both parties' interests are considered and respected in crafting fair and mutually beneficial agreements.

Family Law Mediation 

Navigating the complexities of co-parenting? We understand the unique challenges faced by couples post-separation, and our mediation approach empowers you to collaboratively address crucial aspects such as child support, custody, and visitation. By opting for mediation instead of court battles, you maintain full control over these crucial decisions, creating a collaborative environment and significantly reducing the stress and expenses associated with traditional litigation.

Divorce Mediation

Divorce can be a challenging and overwhelming experience. We guide couples through constructive discussions on critical matters such as spousal support, the distribution of assets, custody, visitation, and child support, facilitating compromise to reach mutually beneficial agreements. With our mediation approach, you can avoid lengthy court battles, control the process, and save time and resources while moving toward an uncontested divorce on agreed-upon terms. 

Uncontested Divorce

Divorce is a challenging journey that can be navigated smoothly. Whether you and your spouse are in complete agreement or have no outstanding issues to resolve, our commitment is to guide you through every step, providing expert service and expertise for your uncontested divorce. 

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about us

How We Became Family Matters Law & Mediation

At Family Matters Law & Mediation, we are distinct from other law firms, dedicated to reshaping the way families resolve their legal matters.

Our approach prioritizes alternatives to court, steering away from lengthy, costly litigation. With a deep understanding of families' challenges, we aim to guide you toward optimal resolutions, providing affordable, convenient, and low-stress alternatives. We offer a comprehensive range of services from uncontested divorces to prenuptial and postnuptial agreement mediations.

Schedule your free consultation today and experience the unique difference between Family Matters Law & Mediation.

Our team

Meet Sophia

Our friendly attorney and mediator! Born, raised, and still Brooklyn-based. I’ve got the knowledge to navigate your legal journey, and the humor to lighten the load along the way.

Image of Sophia K. Barclay  Founder of Family Matters Law & Mediation


I’m Sophia K. Barclay, the heart behind Family Matters Law & Mediation. A proud Brooklyn native, I hold a degree in Political Science & Philosophy of Law from Brooklyn College and earned my Juris Doctor from New York Law School.

Witnessing the emotional and financial toll of prolonged court battles, I founded Family Matters Law & Mediation to protect what matters most to you. As your attorney and mediator, I'm here to guide you through uncontested divorces, divorce mediation, family law mediation, prenuptial agreements, and postnuptial agreements, ensuring your family's needs come first.

We don't just navigate legal issues; we craft new possibilities for your family's future.

Image Of Sophia K. Barclay Founder of Family Matters Law & Mediation
Sophia Barclay
Founder oF Family Matters Law & Mediation
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Schedule Your Free Consultation Today

Discover a path towards peaceful resolutions with our personalized legal services. Book your free consultation now to explore the options for a brighter future for you and your family.